Recent & Upcoming Talks


Cytoskeletal networks at Interfaces
Alexandra talks at APS.


Towards a physics of Living Materials, ISTA Slam Talk Seminar
Sebastian visits ISTA
Towards a physics of Living Materials, IAP Seminar
Sebastian speaks in the institute seminar.
Self-organized flows in phase-synchronizing active fluids
Brato gives a poster on flows in synchronizing active fluids at APS.
Continuum theory for carpets of model cilia
Sebastian presents a Poster on Synchronization in ciliary carpets at APS.
A multiscale biophysical model gives quantized metachronal waves in a lattice of cilia
Brato talks about synchronization in ciliary carpets at APS.
Active mechanics of starfish oocytes
Peter gives a talk on active contractions in the actomyosin cortex of starfish oocytes at APS.